About Pte Bloggins
Welcome to Private Bloggins! The intent of this message board is to provide stories, recommendations, and insight regarding our products, training, contests, and pretty much whatever else we want to post. Private Bloggins is to present the subjective side. Our product pages will detail the specific features of a product and show standalone images, but Private Bloggins is for our Staff and guests to show you how they configure, pack, wear, integrate, modify, use, etc, that product. This will hopefully provide end users and potential end users with ideas on how to maximize the performance of our products, or provide that additional information to help make the decision as to whether to purchase a product or not.
Private Bloggins is also our medium to showcase sneak previews, upcoming events, tradeshows, contests, as well as after action reviews of them. It’s one of our marketing launch platforms and it’s the lighter side of CTOMS.
Why the name “Private Bloggins”? We wanted to have fun with this. Most members of the Canadian Armed Forces will recognize the name Private Bloggins as the notional solider or the generalization of ‘any’ soldier; the equivalent to John Q. Public on the civilian side.
It’s the perfect play on words!