CTOMS Academy Courses
CTOMS Academy provides exceptional medical training courses online. For video previews and summary descriptions of our courses see the course library below. For more detailed descriptions of the courses and course bundles navigate the ONLINE TRAINING page.
This course dispels the myth that hygiene products are adequate for hemorrhage control. Link to the course
This course defines the distinction between ‘tactical’ and ‘non-tactical’ environments as they are used in CTOMS courses, and the medical legal structure that pertains to trauma situations. This course is a pre-requisite for commencing any Tactical Trauma Care or Field Trauma Care courses from CTOMS. Link to the course
This course traces the evolution of combat medicine and conveys the importance maintaining capabilities through peace times. Link to the course
This valuable course prepares students for the physiological and metal effects of high stress environments. Foreknowledge and the practice of responses to these effects can enhance the care providers performance in these environments. Link to the course
This course is vital for any serious student of tactical medicine as it provides the knowledge for staying on their game. It covers the advancement of professionalism, skill acquisition, and adoption of novel concepts in tactical medicine. Link to the course
This course is highly recommended for CTOMS students of any level as it conveys an understanding of the body’s biochemical and physiological responses to trauma and interventions. Link to the course
This course is our entry to the basic knowledge and skills required for an effective response to trauma. Although it is a steppingstone course, the depth of information will benefit both medical professionals and non-professionals. It is also applicable to care providers in tactical and non-tactical environments. Link to the course
Basic Provider Casualty Approach – This course presents the core of tactical trauma care for the non-medical professional. Using a Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) based approach this course describes and dives into the MARCH algorithm. Link to the course
This course presents the core of tactical trauma care for the medical professional. Using a Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) based approach this course describes and deep dives into the MARCH algorithm. Link to the course
This non-tactical trauma care course walks students through a coherent casualty assessment and treatment algorithm (MARCH) for the non-medical professional. It utilises a similar approach to Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) but without the complexity of tactical considerations. Link to the course
This non-tactical trauma care course walks students through a coherent casualty assessment and treatment algorithm (MARCH) for the medical professional. It utilises a similar approach to Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) but without the complexity of tactical considerations. Link to the course
This course is essential for all military, law enforcement, or those finding themselves in tactical environments. It provides an approach to managing casualties during active firearms engagements or impending violent threats. Link to the course
This course is for everyone from first aiders to physicians as it addresses hemorrhage control, one of the most common causes of preventable death. Link to the course
This course covers the open surgical airway technique and other surgical airway considerations and tips. This class is ideal for the advanced practitioner, and for agency wide roll out and standardization. Link to the course
In this video series, guest instructor and world-renowned hypothermia expert Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht comprehensively covers the topic of hypothermia at the foundational level. Link to the course
In this course we welcome back guest instructor and world-renowned hypothermia expert Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht to round out the topic of hypothermia. Advanced makes a deeper dive into hypothermia physiology, including hypothermia physiology in the presence of trauma, and advanced treatment modalities. Link to the course
CTOMS Academy courses can be enrolled in one at a time or as sets of pre-determined courses called bundles. Each bundle functions as a training plan suited to students’ needs – performance in high stress trauma situations, basic/advanced casualty care, tactical/non-tactical environments. See Our Bundles
About CTOMS Academy
No one should be denied world class medical training. And now, it’s at your fingertips, worldwide through CTOMS Academy.
With such a high demand for our training, we needed a solution to make CTOMS training available without compromising the quality. After years of development, the result is our new online training school, making access to it more convenient, further reaching, and cost effective.
Our approach to creating online training was to not only try to mimic the classroom experience, but to enhance it. We built a film and production studio and hired some amazing talent to produce engaging and in-depth training videos.

The courses are series of engaging, narrated videos that include animation and video demonstrations to provide visual representation of the topics. The videos are on average 10 minutes, making accessibility and progress of the training convenient.
- Advantages of this training include:
- Standardized consistent delivery, every time.
- Flexibility of time and access location – can be accessed 24/7, anywhere the internet is available.
- Training can be rolled out in great numbers simultaneously for agencies and organizations.
- Progression is self-paced, which affords the ability to go back and forward to review the content whenever desired.
If follow up practical training is of interest to you, please see our Mission Essential Training section of this website.
If your company would like to partner with us in offering and even providing training, please contact our Training Department. We have partnership programs for training companies, dealers, and influencers.